Meet the huskies

We are in the East of Iceland 17 km from Egilsstaðir.
“Meet the huskies”
You will meet the huskies, hug them, take photos, you will hear their story, see their gears.
The visit takes about an hour, and the price is USD 24. Free for children 0-17 years old.
We don´t accept cards (credit/debit)
Open Wednesdays and Thursdays between 12-15.
Pre booking in or our mobile +354-899 0241
If you want to visit us outside opening hours please call +354-899 0241
“Hike with the huskies”
You will get the same as in the visit + hiking 5 km around our farm.
This will take approx. 2- 3 hours.
The price is USD 48.
Please call +354 899 0241 to book a hike.

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Um Múlaræktun

Múlaræktun er staðsett á Gunnlaugsstöðum á Völlum 18 km frá Egilsstöðum.
Á Gunnlaugsstöðum búa Steindór V. Sigurjónsson og Hjördís Hilmarsdóttir og eru hundar aðaláhugamálið á bænum

Upplýsingar er hægt að nálgast í síma: 557-7241 og 899-5241 og einnig er hægt að senda okkur tölvupóst til icelandichusky[hja]

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